
Enhancing the reputation and the coffers of the campus often requires providing entertainment to guests, visitors, and students. Understanding how to properly spend university funds for meals, refreshments, and other entertainment expenses can help to ensure a trouble-free account and payment of these expenses.

University policy and federal A-21 guidelines require that we use the following criteria when approving your entertainment expenses for business related entertainment and business meetings:

Meals are only allowable if they are indispensable to the project and the following conditions apply:

1. Meals must be a necessary part of the business meeting, not a matter of personal convenience.

2. There is little time available for the meeting and to break would disrupt continuity of the meeting.

3. The meeting continues over the lunch period with discussions or speakers.

Expenses are not allowable when two or more employees from the same work location choose to go to lunch together to continue their business as an incidental part of the meal, or when the meeting could have been scheduled during regular working hours. (UCSC and UCOP entertainment policy)

When completing the entertainment form please be very specific:

Who: name and affiliation of those in attendance

What: type of meal, i.e. lunch

Where: location of the meeting

When: date of the meeting

Why: how this benefits the grant or university, describe the business purpose of the meeting.