Entertainment (ERF and ERA)
The Financial Affairs office’s Entertainment, Business Meeting, and Other Events Expense Guide provides a great detail guide for Faculty and Staff. To access this guide, follow the links below.
Return to Financials page
Generally, alcohol is not permitted. If included in a meal, you need to deduct the alcohol amount plus tax and tip from the reimbursement. If alcohol is part of an entertainment event, whether being reimbursed or not, the reimbursement will be processed with Exception to Policy and under consideration to be signed by the Dean.
Example of Entertainment Reporting Form (ERF)
Direct Deposit for Payroll does NOT verify setup in the main payment & reimbursement system.
The Payee Setup 204 form is required for reimbursement.
Baskin School of Engineering EOAs include:
Eric W. Ormsby - EWOrmbsy@ucsc.edu
Alonso Antunez de Mayolo - alantune@ucsc.edu
Anne Criss - acriss@ucsc.edu (backup only)
Baskin School of Engineering EECs include:
Eric W. Ormsby - EWOrmbsy@ucsc.edu
Alonso Antunez de Mayolo - alantune@ucsc.edu
Anne Criss - acriss@ucsc.edu (backup only)
Alexander Wolf - alw@ucsc.edu (top level approval only)
The Entertainment Reporting Addendum form is to be attached to the Post Travel or Pro-Card statement when requesting reimbursement for meals or expenses you paid on behalf of others. Attach completed form and original itemized receipts to the Post Travel form or Pro-Card statement as appropriate.